
travel at bicycle speed

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Mam Tor

Hail, rain, sleet, a few fleeting snowflakes, wind and sun. Immaculate air. Sheep, stone fences, lines of trees with their naked branches and twigs making fractal patterns against the sky. A great day for a walk in the Peak District…. Continue Reading →

That lovin’ feeling

Perhaps the dwarf tree frogs feel more at home this year, their second summer in our pond. We spotted two pairs in amplexus last night. Soon we’ll have tadpoles.

New housemates

The lengths we go to. Our new tenant is young, brash, messy, single, and stays out all night. He doesn’t contribute to the household income and we’ve had not a word of thanks. Unwilling to give him free reign of… Continue Reading →

Sunset in the suburb

An ordinary day in February, an ordinary suburban street in West End, crickets starting to chirrup, the children gone inside. And a spectacular sunset.  

Exceptional Aboriginal fish traps at Brewarrina

The Aboriginal fish traps in the Barwon River at Brewarrina are extraordinary, and well worth seeing if you’re in the area. We stopped there on our way back to Brisbane after kayaking down the Darling River for six days and… Continue Reading →

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