
travel at bicycle speed

At White Rock among eucalypts

It was a perfect winter’s day in the subtropics today, and it called me outside to play. So I did, at White Rock–Spring Mountain Conservation Estate on the outskirts of Ipswich. Even though it’s only 40 minutes’ drive from home, I’d… Continue Reading →

Hill walk above Cusco

This pretty, half-day hike goes directly from Cusco’s streets into the surrounding hills. It has views over nearby villages, and an altitude gain of only 300 metres, so it’s also great for acclimatisation.

Argentina border run

After several days of rain, our long weekend dawned fine and airy, perfect conditions for our weekend ride to Argentina to renew our Chilean visas. Because of work (drat!) we couldn’t ride the whole circuit, so Fernando drove us to… Continue Reading →

Nottingham in spring dress

It was such a glorious day in Nottingham today that we had to walk around in it. We took a picnic lunch to the Arboretum, which is over our back fence. It’s Nottingham’s oldest public park: it was designated under… Continue Reading →

Byronic idyll

Every day as Lord Byron dressed, he looked out the window to a view of the ruin which was his ancestral home. Such a Romantic view for one of the great Romantic poets has a satisfying congruence. We had taken… Continue Reading →

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